Lord, Hear Our Prayer


This is Kristin and her beloved grandfather. He's quite the wonderful guy and she once told me he's her "favorite person in the world." He's gravely ill. She left here yesterday morning, hoping to get home before he died. The hospital staff prepared them all and encouraged them to say goodbye. Today, he is awake and talking! Medically, all we know is that we don't know. Kristin and her mom have asked that you would pray. Please pray for peace and grace and strength and wisdom for everyone. And pray especially for Donald Carron; he is so well loved!


Mr. Carron is amazing! His heart stopped early yesterday and doctors declared him dead. But he had another idea and today he is breathing and eating and drinking and talking. By no means is he out of the woods. There was a considerable bleed on his brain and he's still bleeding. Terumi, Kristin's mom, told me this afternoon that she is just so grateful for the gift of extra time--however much time that is. So, please keep praying for peace and grace and strength for all. Thank you so very much!

~~ Final Update~~

Kristin's grandfather, good Irish Catholic that he was, died peacefully in his sleep a few minutes after midnight on the Feast of St. Patrick, a Sunday this year. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for grace, strength, and comfort for his family.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord
and may perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed
through the mercy of God
Rest in Peace.


How can our family pray for yours this week?