needle & thREAD

photo credit: katie foss

On Tuesday morning, my kids were ridiculously cranky, even the big ones. My husband was called our of town unexpectedly. My house was messy. I was tired.
And my friend Cari came to sew and share a salad lunch with me.
Kristin came by just to hang out.
My little girls sat on the floor with a ridiculous amount of paper and every colored writing utensil we own. And they drew for hours, knowing full well I wasn't going to leave the room any time soon. It was good. Just really good. 
 It took me awhile to get to the actual sewing. These patterns were a pain to trace and there were a jillion markings to transfer. But when I finally got to sit and sew a dozen little tucks (per dress) on that super sweet and scrumptious fabric, I definitely found my happy place. And I wondered what took me so long. Sewing really does soothe my soul. I need to resolve to make time for it. It's a good, good thing.
Cari and I made great progress. I have full faith these dresses will be finished by Easter.
I'm still listening to Daring Greatly. Still owe you a proper review. When the Lord opens windows of time, I intend to walk through them and make good on writing promises. 
Today, I take flight. I'm going to Charlotte with two dear friends to hug a sweet soul and celebrate life and friendship. And probably knit a whole, whole lot. Have a lovely Thursday. And make some time to sew a stitch or two. You'll be so glad you did.
Do you ever have sewing inertia? You want to sew but you can't quite push past it to get going? How do you resolve it? What are you sewing this week? Leave a link or just chat in the combox and let us know.