Her Children Will Rise up and Call Her Blessed

Usually, when I bump into something on the 'net that I want to share with you, I just click my "delicious" button and it puts itself on my sidebar. My computer went pffft about a week ago. The mousepad won't work. That means I haven't been mining the internet much. I borrow my daughter's computer to get a blog post up and that's about it. 

So, I'm a few days late to a birthday party.

I watched this video late yesterday. And it has stuck with me. And stuck with me. And I didn't want it to get lost on my sidebar.

I'm pretty sure that this is what is meant when the Good Book says 

Her children rise up and call her blessed;

her husband, too, praises her:

proverbs 31: 28

Mothering a large family is incredibly hard work. And it's incredibly hard work over a very long time. There is a certain grace about a woman who embraces this vocation with all her heart and soul and seeks only to do His will. 

She is blessed.

I'm a little late. And it seems sort of insignificant in light of this amazing video, but Happy Birthday, Kim. Thank you for your grace-filled insipiration.