October Daybook


Outside My Window

The sun is rising. But will it be setting before I cobble together enough time to finish this daybook?


I am Listening to

Laundry noises from the first loads of the day.


I am Wearing

Skimmer shorts and a pink and white striped shirt. It’s going to be hot today.


I am so Grateful for

The clarity of God’s answers.


I'm Pondering

Let nothing affright thee,
Nothing dismay thee.
All is passing,
God ever remains.
Patience obtains all.
Whoever possesses God
Cannot lack anything
God alone suffices.

~St. Teresa of Avila


I am Reading

Church Fathers and Teachers. This is the volume that fits nicely with our Middle Ages Studies.


I am Thinking

That there are only four days left until Paddy comes home for a couple days! And if that ever happens to slip my mind, Karoline reminds me.


I am Creating

A clean room where Patrick left a messy room. No one wants to come home to a messy room.


On my iPod

The Last Viking. We listened to this on the way to and from soccer last week and the boys didin’t want to get out of the car until the end. Very well done and Stephen is quite taken with St. Magnus. Since Mike is a "perfect" blend of Norwegian and Scottish, this seems a quite appropriate saint to add to our family favorites. .


Towards a Real Education

This week, we explore Byzantium and the Eastern Orthodox Church. We’ll try our hand at iconography. Our scientific studies have us birdwatching. We begun our studies of Latin (yet again); this time we’re teaming up with the family across the street. The kids had a blast chanting together last week.

And I suspect we’ll spend the end of the week helping Paddy get caught up. He’s missing this week of school as he hangs out in Seattle and plays some soccer.

Sigh. It’s beautiful outside. I don’t know if I can stay inside on task all week. Our nature mornings could be a little longer, I think.


Towards Rhythm and Beauty

I wrote a big, long post last week about how graciously St. Anne has heard my pleas and interceded for my benefit where rhythm is concerned. Upon further thought, I decided to hold it until the end of soccer season since it probably gives too many details about where we are and when my house stands empty. So, for now, I’m just really grateful for a rhythm of blessing I could never have imagined and I am very certain St. orchestrated it.


To Live the Liturgy

We celebrate St.Teresa of Avila, one of my favorites.


I am Hoping and Praying

For God’s mercy and grace to be very evident to some dear firends.

In the Garden

What a mess! All the rain has given the weeds quite a boost. We need to get out there and do some bigtime work!

Around the House

Have I mentioned how badly I want to paint?


From the Kitchen 

Awaiting a list from Patrick of all the things he wants to cook and eat while he’s home.


One of My Favorite Things

The smell of autumn. Evergreen Mills Road as the leaves start to turn. White’s Ferry in the early morning on Columbus Day Weekend. An afternoon at Cox Farms (after all the preschool groups have left). Sipping Toffee Mocha at a very early morning soccer game. The “old” section of South Riding as turns crimson and gold. The walk to the first Mass on Sunday when there is a definite nip in the air. I’m not cheating; it all adds up…


ONE of my favorite things: Loudoun County, Virginia in October. Wouldn’t miss it for the world (OK, that’s not exactly true; I missed the whole month two years ago on bedrest with Sarah Annie. The tree outside my window was just lovely though.)


Sarah Annie this week

I have a sure sense that two weeks remain where there is a baby in this house.


A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week

Things will be pretty quiet from here until the weekend. Michael has a game tomorrow night. I think Christian has one Thursday, but that looks like a rain day, so I’m not sure what that will mean. The weekend will be full and happy!

Picture thoughts:


I missed posting my “This Moment” last week. This is Karoline’s “perfect” birthday cake. It was so her! Funny thing is she was very particular in every detail and then she didn’t even eat a bite. She told us she only liked decorating and blowing out the candles.