Kind Conversation

Visit Kind Conversation

The journey to this post was a long one, a prayerful one, and a surprisingly fruitful one. I have heard you and I have listened. I truly, truly hope I've listened well. Even more, I have heard Him and I have listened. And gosh, I do hope I got that message right:-)!

We've created something for you.

If you want a quiet place to share a vision of rhythm and beauty, holiness and joy,

If you want to talk kindly, peacefully, and positively about the ideas you read here and on Serendipity and in my books,

If you are a woman in search of companions on a journey to God,

come walk with us.

Come if you want to encourage and to be encouraged. Come if you love the Lord and want to dedicate your life to living His vision for you.come if you want to bring His Presence alive in your home.

Come if you have a heart for kind conversation.


I look forward to seeing you there!

{Registrations will be approved as quickly as possible. Kind Conversation is a private community only visible to registered, approved members.}