Happy Birthday, Karoline Rose...
/Karoline was born a year ago today. And even now, after spending every moment of every day with her for 365 days, I can't get over the miracle of her. I can't begin to express who she is and what she means to me. Her life has been chronicled on this blog. We gave her big brother a big camera for his birthday just days before she was born. He re-paid us with pictures more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.
And she inspired words as well as pictures, though I've never been quite satisfied with a single post about Karoline.
She evades my expression. I tried to put together a slide show. But my technical advisor has left the house to get an education and a phone call for help just frustrated us both. So, please enjoy the Baby Archives and say a little prayer for Karoline on her very first birthday. I'm off to smile through my tears.