Christmas in August?
/Look at these beautiful Christmas items from a vendor who believes that it's about time someone incorporate Waldorf with Christian faith. And Advent calendars (same folks, different site)... Scroll down here for saints and festivals in wool art. Here is an angel print and a Mother and Child, And...what brought me here initially, alphabet cards for our learning room to go with my ABC book of the year (and they're already laminated so they won't count against that free deal).
An added bonus: A Child's Dream Come True appears to be fully stocked with art supplies (I heard we'd made a run on Paper, Scissors, Stone;-)
While I appreciate the beauty, the materials and some of the methods of Waldorf education, I am not a follower of Rudolf Steiner, his educational philosophy, or his religion. I am a practicing Catholic who is very clear in teaching the faith to her children. Please see this post for any further explanation of incorporating methods or materials that might also appear in Waldorf schools into your home. Take inspiration from what is good and what in in harmony with the true faith and leave the rest. If you can't discern, then leave it all alone.