Celebrating St. Monica and St. Augustine
/We had a simple tea yesterday to celebrate the feasts of St. Monica and St. Augustine this week. Since it was Day 10 for my Amish Friendship bread, the baked goodie was decided for me. But when I learned of a crisis of chocolate proportions, I decided to bake it chocolate. It's a good variation, and I added mini chocolate chips, too, for good measure. I made two loaves to give away and saved two loaves for our tea. I left our two loaves to cool before tea time. That ninth child who lives in my house--the one named "Not Me"--tested the bread in advance of our tea. Tested quite a bit of bread it seems. Real life--I wonder if Martha Stewart deals with things like this in her test kitchen;-). For tea, I served African Rooibos with a little chai spice.Our craft was very simple and very meaningful. We followed Maggie's lead and made a prayer board in honor of St. Monica, super prayer warrior. We attached prayer intentions with sticky notes and we'll change them as we go. Mary Beth's board is pictured. Different children included different intentions. In the days surrounding St. Monica's feast, some real prayer needs have come my attention. And they are needs of mothers who understand the pain St. Monica felt before Augustine rested to his restless heart in God. She is such a valiant woman, such a model of faith in prayer for mothers and wives! I'm glad to have this visual reminder of St. Monica, St. Augustine, and the Holy Spirit who so dwelled in them.