Come Join Us, Words From Mary Lenaburg

As many of you know, Elizabeth has recently been rear-ended, resulting in a car accident. Although we are very grateful that she was alone in the car and walked away from it, she has been diagnosed with a concussion and has been ordered with no screen time, no reading, and plenty of mental rest and sleep. 

You can imagine how well that’s going ;-)

So, we're going to try to fill the space here until she's well enough for screen time. The Liturgical Calendar beats on, this week Blessed Is She has opened up pre-order sales for the Blessed is She Advent Journal, By The Manger in the Morning, written by Elizabeth. There are two purchase options for the book, one is solely the journal and one is bundled with print artwork and jesse tree artwork, all designed by my dear friend Erica Tighe

Today, Mary Lenaburg is here to chat a bit about the book. I, personally, met Mary for the first time when her special needs daughter, Courtney, was fighting for her last few months on earth. I had a big pile of fabric that I intended to stitch up for other people and she was on my mind, so a stitched together an apron for Mary. While I was dropping it off quietly, she opened the door wide and welcomed me in. Mary was part of the homeschooling group that my husband, Michael, grew up in so I could have talked to her for hours, listening to stories and hearing Mary's Holy story. 

Mary, and her loving husband, Jerry. 

Mary, and her loving husband, Jerry. 

We are all grateful for you, Mary

Good Day, Dear Friends. Elizabeth has graciously asked me to stop in and say hello in this beautiful space of hers, so I can tell you all about an engaging Advent devotional coming your way from Blessed is She written by…you guessed it…Miss Elizabeth herself. 

Elizabeth has always had a knack for reaching our hearts when writing about her life, her joys, and her struggles. I’ve always respected her honesty and openness. And now she’s brought that raw gift to this new piece of work, “By the Manger in the Morning”. When I say new I mean it. This is a completely new original work different from her Restore Workshop or her previous Advent ebook. After spending the last two days reading it, I believe it’s her best written work ever. 

Using the daily prompts of “head, hands, and heart” she walks the reader through preparing their minds, hearts, and homes for the coming birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ. Her words guide the reader to look at all aspects of their life. By digging a little deeper each day, pulling out the dead and withered pieces and replacing them with new life, God’s inspiring words are revealed in the scriptures. 

This devotion is unlike any I’ve read, and I’ve read many a scripture study in my years of building a relationship with my Lord. Not only do Elizabeth’s words create a heart space that’s open to listening to what God wishes each reader to “hear’, she challenges and stretches us to step outside of our comfort zone. To see what else might be out there for us to learn. To fill our vessels, often so dry from pouring ourselves out for others. It brings the reader into the cave, to sit by the manger, allowing the words of love to seep into their heart preparing each one to experience Advent differently than ever before. 

Baby Jesus was born to change the status quo. Which means that no one gets out of Advent the same they started. Elizabeth’s Devotional starts us on the path and offers guideposts along the way.

Beginning with journaling the words of God, Elizabeth takes us through the season of waiting and preparing with grace and humility. Day by day, the scriptures guide, teach, and challenge everything we once thought about the season of Advent and Christmas. Then, on Christmas morning, we’re asked to bring the O’Antiphons to life through pictures and personal art. We’re asked to use the gifts we have to honor and praise the coming of His Son to save us all. It’s like a burst of love straight from Our Creator.

This devotional is available to purchase from Blessed is She. The Blessed is She ministry is for ALL ages of women in ALL seasons of life. Whether you’re single, married, have children or do not, the daily devotionals (@Blessed is She) offer grace and peace in our imperfect world. Elizabeth and I are honored to be a part of this dynamic ministry geared to reaching “women in the pew” who seek a deeper relationship with our Lord by deepening their understanding of church teaching. 

Come join us, won’t you?