Gathering my thoughts: Is social media becoming like cable TV?

Outside my window:  Clouds are gathering. It's blisteringly hot out there, so I'm grateful for the hope of rain. Last summer was so lovely--light and cool--that I very nearly declared myself a fan of summer. Very nearly. This summer is heavy, humid, and hot. I am seizing those early dawn hours for all they're worth. 


Listening to: coffee shop noises. 


Clothing myself in: An arm party. I tired of my basic black Fitbit band and bought a couple of these. Then, I discovered that they don't hold quite as well as the authentic Fitbit ones do. So, I looped a bracelet with a clasp through the holes in order to give myself a back-up should the band clasp pop open. Then I thought that looked a little odd, so I added a leather bracelet. Then I wanted to tie the colors together so I added a cheap bangle I picked up at LouLou in Charlottesville while shopping for Easter treasures. And now: arm party. It's a little much for a Monday morning. 


Talking with my children about these books:  It is an extraordinarily beautiful, wonderful thing to witness my littlest thoroughly immerse herself in the world of Laura Ingalls Wilder. We have all these gorgeous picture books. Nick used to insist on no fewer than five every night before bed--for probably a year. He knew them all by heart and so did I. We've all listened to the audio versions of all the books multiple times over the years. And everyone in the house has curled up with Laura all to him or herself for at least a season. 

But Laura and me? Well, let's just say that sometimes I think Laura saved my life. I think those books in my own childhood were a kind of anchor, a window on a time that was simpler, if not kinder and gentler. Laura clarified for me the way families work, ideally. She opened up for  me a world that was safe even when it was scary. She was my role model, my sister, my best friend. I'm so not overstating all of this. I even named a baby for her and when living life with that baby wasn't to be, I thought myself ever so clever when the next baby was named for Ma, Pa, and the Pope, all in one. (And oh, how she has lived that name well!)

So, as Sarah plays with Little House paper dolls in the comfort of a suburban sunroom on a ridiculously hot June day, her Mama loses herself again in the world of Laura, this time with a much anticipated Annotated Autobiography. Dear old friend! How grateful I am to bump into you again after all these years. How happy to know that in my middle age, you come along beside me and we pick up where we left off. You are still teaching me, still pointing me in the right direction.

Thinking and thinking: Do you think that social media is beginning to feel a lot like Cable TV? As I scroll through Facebook or Twitter, the headlines from posted links are nearly always a bit sensational. They play upon our impulses to want to know more, to want to be the first to have and share information, and to be entertained. Then, there are just the "regular people" status updates. They are a lot like edited "reality" TV shows, I think, showing parts and portions of ordinary life made a little extraordinary in the framing. What I've noticed most though is my reaction to it all.

Seven or so years ago, before the current president was elected the first time, I discovered talk radio. Prior to that time, all my drive time in the afternoon rush hours was spent listening to children's CDs and audiobooks. For some reason, late that summer, I started listening to the pundits. They fairly screeched worrisome news and they played the same distressing soundbites over and over. And the banter. It was the banter that really got to me. Back and forth, snark level rising all the while. it seemed like the whole point was to entertain with arguing. No longer was it about information.  At home, out of the car and away from the radio, I found myself bantering, even if just in my head. The manner of being carried over, just as a style of speaking invades my workaday world when I listen to a good book. Only this one got "booster shots" on a daily basis. One evening about a month after I'd begun my daily foray into the world of politics on radio, I found myself extraordinarily distressed. I've always loved politics, been a bit of a newshound, and engaged in DC life in real life. (I was even a Capitol Hill intern, before calling oneself that made people snicker.) I couldn't figure out why I was troubled when talk radio entered my previously serene driving time. My husband nailed it. "I think," he said, "you're way too sensitive for talk radio these days." And he was right. Later that fall, I would find myself on complete bed rest and I would be introduced, for the first time, to cable TV (news and reality shows). For me, a very bad idea. Too sensitive for that, too. So, I watched hours of cooking shows for weeks before my baby was born ,because the news shows made my heart rate doing alarming things. 

That brings me to social media. Here's what I see: It's like news and reality shows mixed together in one long 24/7 airing of the worst of us. Every once in awhile, there's a nugget of good there and that keeps us coming back, ever hopeful for the good nugget. Mostly, though, it's bad. And we banter! It seems like every other person (at least) really just wants to fill time with an argument. I can post a picture of clear summer sky and say, "Oh how blue the canvas is today" and someone will come along and tell me, "You know, it's not really blue. Scientifically speaking...." What the heck? Do we really need to quibble every little thing? Is that just the nature of some people and those are the loudest voices? And then, I click it closed, and the whole quibbling, snarky thing follows me around in my head.

Sadly, in the last year, social media has become increasingly divisive where the Church is concerned, too. I'm not ready to throw out the baby with the bath water, but I am becoming very aware that social media takes meticulous, thoughtful curating to keep it from being the near (or immediate) occasion of sin. We cannot be casual users of the Internet, not at all.


“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”
— ~Audrey Hepburn


Carefully Cultivating Rhythm: Are you a Sunday planner or a Monday planner? I think most systems assume a chunk of time on a Sunday to plot and plan for the week ahead, making to-do lists and meal plans and double-checking appointments. That doesn't seem to work too well for me. I've decided (and accepted) that I am a Monday planner. These daybooks are part of my Monday framing for the week and so is a settled session with my paper planner first thing Monday morning. That means, of course, that if something comes along in the planning that takes significant time or attention, I could be in trouble when all my people awaken and expect Monday to happen in person and on time. I need to be good to go when they are. Still, it's worth popping out of bed early. I think more clearly on a Monday morning than I do late Sunday afternoon. But that means these daybooks will continue to go up on Tuesdays instead of Monday, because really, I can't write them until my Monday writing time. Works for me..

Creating By Hand:  Kristin is out of town this week. If I'm going to sew, it's going to happen without her. Also, Sarah Annie has told us all we can no longer refer to room with all the windows off the kitchen where her art supplies and many toys, books, and manipulatives are stored as "the sunroom." Henceforth, we are to call it "Sarah's Studio." And she might have been heavily influenced by Pinterest when describing her vision for the room. Whatever it takes to get her to clean up the mess...

Learning Lessons In: Marriage. This has been a challenging season. We are spending nearly as much time apart as we did the year we were engaged and living in different towns. It's ridiculous, really, what life keeps throwing at us. Just when we think we have all the details worked out, something changes; something switches things up. We are learning to lean in together. To figure it out together. To stop fighting the waves and to instead to ride them out. Together. Even long distance. These are advanced marriage skills, for sure. 


Encouraging learning in: Still focusing on the basics this summer. I was invited to try out K5 Learning. We're just getting settled and looking at the results from assessments, so I'm not sure what to tell you about it yet, but I'm hopeful.


Keeping house: I have committed to a date and time for a graduation party. Let the house and yard prep begin. Oh! And yesterday, when we went together to Home Depot to by new filters for the air conditioner, my husband actually told the sales guy that our house is "practically immaculate." It is absolutely is not, but for that one brief, shining moment, I reveled in the idea that he even thought he could say that;-).

Crafting in the kitchen: After a long hiatus, I've found my cooking mojo again. I am not a natural paleo cook. I don't think bacon is a food group and I kind of gag when meat is on the menu again. So, I'm back to this kind of cooking and the plates are pretty and creative and beautiful and tasty and healthy. Let's just say this morning there was spinach in my husband's coffee and he was happy to have it. That's some serious winning, there, folks. 

To be fit and happy: I've repurposed one of those several Fitbits I bought last summer and made it my own. (I shall not divulge whose it was previously.) I started back at Day 1 of Couch-to-5K and I downloaded a great new novel to listen to for 11+ hours. I already don't want that book to end. It worked. I'm motivated to get up and out of bed every morning. I'm listening again and I'm reveling in the morning peace. And I'm running. This time, I know better where this is all going. I need to run. It really does help keep me sane. But I also need to remember that too much of a good thing isn't a good thing for me. Ever. 

Giving thanks: Mike and I were talking recently about how the decision to stay in northern Virginia when we first got married has played out over the last 28 years. We stayed here because family was here. Neither of us really are typical "NoVa types." Mike travels a lot and he knows lots of places he can see himself liking better than we like here. I travel a lot, but mostly only to one place. And I know that there suits me better than any place else in the world. We talked about how we made the decision to stay in northern Virginia because of our extended family. Then, in a poetic God move, Patrick made the decision to go to Charlottesville for the same reason. And God has smoothed all the bumpy seams out in a pretty tapestry of here and there. Both decisions--the one made 28 years ago and the one made 3 years ago--have impacted the lives of far more people than ones who made the choice. It's kind of awe-inspiring--and definitely gratitude inspiring-- to see how it's all worked together for the good.

Loving the moments: when I stop and notice the people blessing the lives of my teens and twenties. Good, good people. I'm praying so hard for all of them. 

Living the Liturgy: I'm glad to be writing Lord, Hear Our Prayer again. Kristin nudged me that way. Now, it's my favorite writing session of the week. 

Have you seen this week's Summer of the Psalms free printable? It's over at House Unseen. It's gorgeous and Dweeja's very brief reflection brought tears to my eyes. You just know she gets it.. So, my meditation for the week is this:

Print it and frame it or make a screensaver or wallpaper of it. You can see Cari's pick right here and  mine is here. Visit Kristin each week to see the whole collection posted at Vine of Plenty. 


Planning for the week ahead: This week is going to challenge us, for sure. Rehearsals and recitals, homecomings and leave-takings, graduation parties and final performances. 


Final performances. I've staunchly not allowed my mind to go there, to contemplate even for a moment that Mary Beth will dance her last recital this weekend. I've not let myself turn over in my head the whole idea that never again will all four of my daughters be in the same show. Not let myself dwell on how magical it has been for her to be both student and teacher at the same studio. Nope. Not going there. 

Dang. Nothing like crying in Starbucks.

Gathering my Thoughts

Outside my window: The air conditioner in the car sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. And, sometimes, that's a real drag. But other times, we all learn how heavy the honeysuckle scent is in the air every evening in late May and early June. And if by chance, we're driving just after those frequent thunderstorms? Downright intoxicating.


Listening to: barista noises and jazz.


Clothing myself in: This new nail polish. I've never been much into nail polish, but since I can't get the scale to budge, I figured I'd let my nails grow. Nail polish is pretty toxic stuff, but this, maybe not so much?

Talking with my children about these books:  Sarah has this pile in a basket by her bed this week. We're making sure we get in our Three Books at Bedtime. She's definitely super interested in all things science right now and since we're all about planting these days, we're spending the next couple of weeks reading about flowers and gardens. So, this week, it's a flower theme:

Miss Rumphius

Sunflower Sal (Prairie Paperback Books)

Dancers in the Garden

Camille and the Sunflowers

Jack's Garden

Planting a Rainbow

Waiting for Wings

Sunflower House

Where Butterflies Grow (Picture Puffins)

The Reason for a Flower: A Book About Flowers

In my own reading: friend of mine sent me Anatomy of a Soul. I promised I'd read it. I'll get back to you on this one.

Thinking: Has social media become more unfriendly, or is it just me? Last week, it felt like every time I turned around someone wanted to argue. At one point, on Twitter (where it's ridiculously easy to be misunderstood), I protested that I didn't want to argue. She responded with, "If you don't want to argue, then don't engage." OK, then.

I don't want to argue. I really, really don't. I am so not the arguing type, even in person. I do not like conflict. Not one bit. 

Also, I find that when things like this happen online, I'm pretty good at clicking my computer closed and walking away, but then they must live in my brain because I find myself snapping at the real life people around me who have no idea why I'm cranky. Not a good thing.


Pondering: Psalm 52, Go visit Cari and see what a beautiful, free printable Kristin has made so that we can all spend the summer in the psalms. Really. Free. For you! It's gorgeous.


Carefully Cultivating Rhythm: The New Summer Schedule had a rocky start, but I sat everyone down on Thursday and really explained all the reasons it absolutely has to work. They were receptive. And I think it is honestly going to be a very good thing. We'll see how well we do when it's challenged by summer's comings and goings, but I'm very optimistic. 

Creating By Hand:  Finished the first sundress! Hooray! This week, I'm going to work on a belated birthday gift and do one more dress for Sarah before moving on to some long-awaited quilts. Oh, and this arrived Saturday. So, I might have to make it into something for me before the weekend.


Learning lessons In: Reaching out, creating community, both online and in person. 



Encouraging learning in: Spelling. I have a child who is old enough to be spelling well, but still is not. We are spending the summer working through as much of this program as we can. I have the old-fashioned, black and white version of this program. So far, my student is very receptive and, I think the word is "grateful." I think what we all want is for someone to notice our struggle and come alongside and sit awhile to help make the load lighter. When I linked for you, I looked briefly at the DVD version. I think I'll pass. As much as spelling is the issue, time with me is, too. So, side-by -side you'll find us, at 9AM Monday through Friday, for as long as it takes.


Keeping house: Every day, I list the chores that need attention that day. This is a definite change from the previous chore schedule type arrangement. So far, I think it's effective. 


Crafting in the kitchen: OK, so my lofty Whole 30 plans have been amended. I just can't eat that much animal protein. Just can't. I'm tweaking and revisiting Joel Fuhrman and reading the vegetarian section in Whole 30, because, in the end, it's about listening to one's body. My body tells me things on no uncertain terms. But it's exceptionally whiny;-). I try to listen, obey, and not whine back. 


To be fit and happy: Still no Fitbit. But, I'm working on reclaiming that morning habit. I want to get back to this place, because I know it's what I need to do. The more I move, the better. Just pushing past the inertia for now...


Giving thanks: For a really encouraging phone call with a new friend last week. I'm feeling like I can make some things happen in this space now. That's a new feeling that I kind of like a lot. 


Loving the moments: I didn't really love this moment. Actually, I kind of cried through it. But I know that when I look back on it, I will see that a legacy of love was at work. When you're the goalkeeper, there are times when you're the hero. And then there are other times. The memory of this year's State Cup final will hurt Nick for a very long time. When the game was over and he had to stand to get the runner-up medal and then to applaud the victors (who might have been taunting him), his siblings pressed into the spaces around him. Sometimes a strong arm around you steadies you in the moment when your own knees go weak at the shock and horror of a very bad 14-year-old day.  When the memory of this loss breaks his heart again in the years to come, I hope Nick will remember that he wasn't alone and there was an arm firmly around his shoulders. 

Living the Liturgy: So, I think you like the reprise of Lord, Hear Our Prayer. Yay! You keep praying my summer schedule works and I'll keep those coming every Saturday morning, so you have them for your weekend intentions. Deal?

Planning for the week ahead: More steady, ordinary days. The spring was brutal. These few weeks of every day being pretty much the same before we launch into summer comings and goings? They are just magical.

All photos kindness of Kristin Foss

Gathering my thoughts on the cusp of summer

Outside my window:  Virginia is in full bloom. And it is utterly breathtaking.


Listening to: the sounds of the orthodontist’s office on a very crowded morning. Wow. A lot of people here. Let’s see how well I can filter out the competing noises.


Clothing myself in: White shirt. Bright blue (borrowed) capris. I have a lot of white shirts. Actually, almost all my shirts are white. I love them. However. Big sigh. I have nearly nothing to wear. I stopped running regularly around mid-March. Then there was some sort of thyroid storm. The combination was lethal. As in none of my clothes fit. For me, this is a hard reality. I’m super sensitive about body image. Back out to run. Early and often. When no one’s watching, because it's not going to be pretty.

Talking with my children about these books:  I’m kind of holding my breath. Nick has moments to go before he’s depleted all the Percy Jackson stories. And I know there will be mourning. I think back to the books that have become beloved for my kids. Michael loved Redwall—all of them. Both of those series are amazing audio books. Redwall is read by the author who wrote it originally for his radio show. Christian loved Harry Potter. Patrick is still waiting to fall in love with a book and is still a reluctant reader. But we know that once upon a time, Anne made an impact on him. Mary Beth first fell in love with The Penderwicks. Stephen’s favorite series was also Harry Potter. The Harry Potter fan club is curious considering Michael's adamant opposition to it. Katie would rather listen to Adventures in Odyssey than read. Karoline is a Shakespeare fan. It’s hilarious to hear an 8-year-old drop the Bard into everyday conversations. (She has some of these books memorized. I'm surprised to see they're only available from third-party sellers. Snatch them up; you won't be sorry!). 

In my own reading: Every year, when I go to the garden store near our house, I take these books off the shelves. They are nestled next to books about  herbs (that's a really good one). Tom DeBaggio founded this store. When my big kids were little, he’d come out and chat with them while I browsed the lavender plants. He’d teach them a thing or two about plants (or about airplanes, depending on the day and what struck his fancy). He was always very kind. His son is rather brusque with the kids, but Tom never was. Those were the early days of his journey with Alzheimers. Without fail, each spring, I pick up his books, which are memoirs of his time with the disease. And then I put them back. I like remembering him my way. The other reality is not so pretty. This year, though, I picked up a book, put it back, and then went back later and picked it up again. Kristin noticed the second time.

            “I have that book,” she said. “I own it.”

I guess this is the year that I will read it. 


Thinking and thinking: Last week, after I posted these pictures, Jen asked on Facebook, "Do you have so much fun with your life? I mean, I'm sure it's not always great, but you must wake up sometimes and be like, "I love my life". So much love and joy!"

To which I replied, "There are times when I do, but in all honesty they are often embedded in times of just plain hard. These pictures are fun and the night *was* fun, but some things to remember: I was coming off some extreme logistical (and emotional) nightmares (for about 8 weeks). I spent the day in the ER with Katie and it wasn't fun at all. These pictures were taken in the middle of the night. I stayed up until 4:30 and got up again at 6:30. The day that followed this night was yuck. Also, my husband was home for this night. He was not home the week before it or the week after it...My point is that it is fun and I do love this life, but it's not all moonlight and movies;-). Another thing that comes to mind here is that I don't often blog when things are hard. (Notice how little I've blogged in recent months?) I tend to put my head down and focus on the task at hand. I like to blog. It's a great creative outlet, but I haven't had a whole lot of time for fun creative outlets. The hard things get blogged much less frequently because if things are hard, then they take my full time and attention and tapping away at the keyboard isn't a priority.

It’s kind of a vicious cycle. I’m happier when I write, but I don’t write when I’m unhappy. Chicken or egg? Whichever it is, I'm going to try to break the cycle this summer. I need to find a way to write every day, much like I need to run or walk every day. I've learned the hard way (again) what happens when I don't.


Pondering: In matters that are obscure and far beyond our vision, even in such as we may find treated in Holy Scripture, different Interpretations are sometimes possible without prejudice to the faith we have received. In such a case, we should not rush in headlong and so firmly take our stand on one side that, if further progress in the search of truth justly undermines this position, we too fall with it. That would be to battle not for the teaching of Holy Scripture but for our own, wishing its teaching to conform to ours, whereas we ought to wish ours to conform to that of Sacred Scripture. -St. Augustine

Carefully Cultivating Rhythm: The new summer schedule was to begin today. I was going to get up and run at 5:30. Be back and showered by 7. Then something domestic until 8. Then kids up and breakfast. School kinds of things until 11:00. Then Mom ducks out to get some work done for a couple hours (also known as writing therapy). Then summer fun. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Today was the first day. Kari woke up at 4:30--totally awake and wanting to chat. About life. So, we had about 5 quality hours of one-on-one time. I’m not kidding. I dragged everyone else out of bed at 9:30. We were late to the orthodontist at 10. Le sigh.


Creating By Hand:  Those afternoon summer fun hours? I’m calling them “swim and sew.” And it’s totally going to happen.


Learning lessons In: Apology. I’ve decided that one of the most important things we can teach our children is how to sincerely examine one’s conscience and then to apologize honestly and promptly. I am very serious about how much I think this matters. This article is a good one on the topic, though I think it’s message is not at all limited to marriage, and certainly not limited to men. All relationships would benefit tremendously if we become a community of humility.


Encouraging learning in: Math. We’re going to hyperfocus on math this summer. This and this and this and these. Oh, and Karoline has announced her plans to write and entire Bible story book.


Keeping house: In late March or maybe it was early April I registered for The Nester’s Cozy Minimalist course. Around the second week, I found myself reluctantly begging to withdraw. Life was kicking my butt and I couldn‘t even begin to keep up. Further, it’s hard to take a class in homemaking when you’re not there. I was gone so much of April.  So, to console myself, I’m going to really dig into The Nesting Place and Love the Home You Have this summer. I’m pretty happy with my house (well except for my perennial basement issues) but, I think it will be nice to use that part of my brain a bit as I consider how to nurture myself. I’m super sensitive to environment. Home needs to be a sanctuary. I think I’ll enjoy considering how to make it so.

Crafting in the kitchen: Whole 30. I was one of the first people to review It Starts with Food on Amazon. And I wrote:

One quote that keeps popping up is "this is not hard compared to birthing a baby, quitting heroin, or beating cancer." Actually, it is. I haven't got any experience with heroin, but I had 7 unmedicated births, 2 c-sections, and I beat cancer. Those things are hard, too but that doesn't make this easy. This is hard. It's hard to eat this way in a world that doesn't. It's hard to cook for a big family -- either all eating this way, or them eating this way and me not eating what they're eating. It's hard to stick with it day in and day out. It's not too terribly hard for a few weeks, but it is hard as a lifestyle. I feel anti-social. I know my eating habits put a damper on others' enjoyment when our eating out choices are dictated by my "can'ts." I know I've offended more than one gracious hostess with my polite, "No thank you." And I do miss crafting a perfect loaf of artisan bread or making my grandmother's homemade pasta. I miss tomatoes fresh from the garden with olive oil and fresh mozzarella. I miss handing on food traditions of generations to my own children. I couldn't care less about sugar and I'm not lamenting processed foods at all. They were never in my diet. I'm struggling with the limited choices of real food left for me...I still think this is a valuable resource, but for most folks, longterm success with eating this way is going to take more than, "You can do it. It's not as hard as childbirth or cancer."

They addressed those things in the new book! I think that’s pretty cool. Actually, I think that's really cool. They‘ve also included white potatoes in the plan this time. For me, that’s not good. I love potatoes, but they don’t love me. So, I think I’ll just keep kicking it old school. I like this new book a lot. I thought it would be redundant and it’s not.  Instead, I think it’s more measured, more practical, maybe just a little more compassionate. It’s good. Back on the wagon. I’ll never be a giant meat eater. But I know that the principles in Whole 30 are likely the most anti-inflammatory way to eat. So, I’m not a bacon and duck fat paleo person (actually, there’s no bacon in the new book), but I am fill-the-plate-with-veggies, skip the sugar and grains, eat real food person. I need to be a no dairy person. And I’d probably be a good deal happier if I could kick this stupid coffee habit again.

To be fit and happy: lacing up and heading out. My Fitbit wasn’t working; I couldn’t get it to record my steps. Then I lost it.  Then my Fitbit friends applauded me for getting back after it. That was hilarious, because I wasn’t wearing a Fitbit. They saw my step count increase, but I still have no idea where it is. Somebody is getting some exercise on my behalf, but I don’t think it’s actually overcoming my inertia. I need to solve this problem, because I’ve discovered that I really am motivated by my Fitbit .

Giving thanks: For the intercession of wee saint Bryce. It’s his birthday today. He would have been six. Say a prayer for his mama?

Loving the moments: when my backyard is full of teenagers gathered around a bonfire, philosophizing late into the night. Pretty magical childhood.


Living the Liturgy: I’m praying Divine Office on my morning run. Also, I’m also listening to this new album. She Reads Truth is taking this week to look at five hymns. Yesterday’s post really hit home for me. So good. And so is the album.

Planning for the week ahead: Nick Foss plays in the State Cup semi-final this weekend. Some of you might remember the agonizing decision I made to move him to new team---just after he won State Cup two years ago. (That's a favorite post of mine.) It’s been a hard couple of years for him, no lie. He misses his friends. It’s been hard to watch that team win more than his present team. And it’s been super hard to be the new kid (for two years). But he’s just on the cusp of something good. Pray this weekend is one of victories? One on Saturday and then—big miracle needed warning—one on Sunday, too? That would be good. Really good.

All photos courtesy of Kristin Foss


Gathering my Thoughts in the Waiting Room

Outside my window:  Charlottesville is coming awake. It’s early and I’m sitting by a sunny window overlooking the Corner. Ill be here for the next hour and a half while Patrick is back in surgery.


Listening to: the noise of competing waiting room televisions. I’m contemplating going back to the car to get my earbuds.


Clothing myself in: Jeans, a poet’s shirt, walking shoes.


Talking with my children about these books:  The girls have begun a dance alphabet writing project, using T is for Tutu.  For Sarah, it’s a dictation and drawing project. For Karoline and Katie, the longer sidebars will be source material for IEW-style writing and springboards for further research.

In my own reading: The last couple weeks, much of my reading has been with Mary Beth. She’s just about finished with a complete semester of college. This was to have been the final semester of her senior year in high school, but she got going early, so the transition definitely had its bumpy moments. Her reading is interesting and we’ve done a lot of talking about her subject matter. All in all, I’m well-pleased with the experience and she’s done extremely well.  I spend a lot of time talking to my college kids about what they’re studying. A habit cultivated when they are little and their education is my responsibility, it has grown with us. The real goal of home education is to develop a learner who wants to learn, who is eager and self-motivated. I think, like so many things in life, a love of learning and an appreciation of education matures as we age and it goes through a series peaks and valleys.  As I peek into their books and discuss their papers, I learn so much! I’m well aware that dialogue of this sort is not commonplace. That’s a shame. We are all benefiting from the education afforded the older kids.

Thinking and thinking: Time management. The last two months have been all about time management and every last bit of my brain power has gone to figuring out how to make it all work—to stretch ourselves to meet the needs of many children at various ages and stages without stretching to the breaking point.

Pondering: “The willingness to be and to have just what God wants us to be and have, nothing more, and nothing less, would set our hearts at rest and we would discover the simpler life, the greater peace. “–Elisabeth Elliot

Carefully Cultivating Rhythm: Rhythm has been elusive. I miss the easy rhythm of last summer when morning walks gave way to morning runs and days unfolded with purpose and with time. The last few months of have been relentlessly demanding. Mike has been away far more than he has been home. We’ve fallen out of long-established rhythms together.  The children have numerous unexpected happenings which have disrupted rhythm. I’ve begun to think of rhythm in the context of much smaller increments of time. What will just this moment look like? Does it have a rhythm? Can I at least adjust the rhythm of my breathing and slow the rhythm of my heart? What about the next hour? The coming gloriously beautiful afternoon?

Creating By Hand:  I made a couple more journal covers over the weekend. Katie made one for a friend as a confirmation gift and she was so pleased with how it turned out. I’m bringing some hand work with me this weekend. There will be plenty of last minute dance sewing as well, no doubt. 

I have recognized how much it means to mean to be able to create with my hands. I'm making a list of creative activities I want to pursue this summer. Bucket hats for little girls are first on the list. This little love is still a bit bald. 


Learning lessons In: Self care. I've been listening to The Highly Sensitive PersonI have to listen in very small doses. This book is sort of troubling and as I listen to her lay out the formidable challenges to people who are highly sensitive, I admit to be a little overwhelmed. But, in my highly-sensitve way;-), I'm processing it very slowly. One thing is certain: I really do need to take good care of myself, particularly in situations that are noisy and crowded, and that's kind of tricky when I'm the person in charge in a large household. 

Encouraging learning in: Pacing oneself. My college students are navigating all the end-of-semester deadlines. But each of them has some special considerations thrown in. Patrick had to finish up early in order to have surgery. Christian is shooting a movie next week, so he’s had to navigate exams and papers around the myriad of pre-production details.  And Mary Beth had a dance competition last weekend and another next weekend. Her final week of school was condensed to four days this week. She’s got to get it all done before we hit the road. I’ve learned that planning to fit those school deadlines around the rest of real life does not necessarily come naturally to high school- and college-aged kids. It’s learned. And coached. It’s also a very necessary life skill. I am forever moving things around in calendar squares in order to adjust and adapt. 

Keeping house: I’m in Charlottesville today.  I’ll be home midweek and quickly regroup in order to leave for the dance competition. We’ll have a long weekend of late nights and early mornings. Then, on Monday, Christian and his 18 person movie crew will move in to shoot part of the movie in my house.

I’m not a bit worried about housework. Nah. Not a bit.

Crafting in the kitchen: Last week, I packed a cooler full of good things to eat at dance. Some of us ate decently. Others barely ate. This weekend is trickier. The girls and I will be staying in hotel. In Baltimore. We won’t have a kitchen in the hotel. And I don’t think we will be wandering the neighborhood, looking for restaurants. Our hotel is connected to the venue and I think it’s going to be a pretty hunkered down affair. So. What to eat? Right now, I have no clue. I’m open to suggestions, though, so let me hear them!

To be fit and happy: Sigh. It's definitely time to clean up some bad habits that have crept into my days. Exercise needs a regular daily time of its own again. I've learned the hard way that when it gets bumped, it doesn't happen. And I'm super glad to see the produce department at my grocery store come alive again. Nothing inspires healthy eating quite the way fresh bounty does. I'm re-reading (for the fourth time) Better than Before and trying to implement some of the great strategies there. It's time for me to be out there, collecting the sunrises and the sunsets again.

These sunsets happen at soccer practice almost every single day. Pure gift.

These sunsets happen at soccer practice almost every single day. Pure gift.

Giving thanks: For my second son. Christian celebrates a birthday on Wednesday. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for the very gift of his life. 

Loving the moments: When my little girl falls asleep in my arms. I know those days are numbered, but she still likes to be snuggled to sleep and I'm sure glad she does. (Psst: I got a text last night telling me she hit a major milestone in the life of a six-year-old.)

Planning for the week ahead: So here's the deal: Dance competitions are daunting ​to me for a myriad of reasons. I'm always a little nervous to travel alone with the four girls. That whole "fear of the marketplace" thing gets the better of me. The schedules for these things are relentless, mostly because I have children spanning every age group, but partly because they start ridiculously early and they run ridiculously late. They are loud and indoors--two things that trip my highly sensitive triggers. And this time, this one, is in Baltimore. 

Baltimore isn't exactly at the top of anyone's list of peaceful places to go this week. Last week, I was carefully following the news, watching and listening and trying to understand the situation. Then I realized that being sucked into 24/7 cable news was really making me crazy. And rather unhappy. So, I've moved away from that constant monitoring and resolved to wait until Thursday to research any of it further. <<---sigh. So, I wrote that this morning in the hospital. Now there's breaking news.

Gathering My Thoughts after a Long While

It's been a very long time since I've gathered my thoughts into one space here. About a week ago, I was too tired to run during soccer practice and too tired, even, to read. Just as I pulled into the parking lot, a friend texted and asked if we could catch up. I wasn't too tired talk. Among the many things we talked about in that hour or so, we happened upon my unintended writing sabbatical. And one of the things she reminded me was that I write to make sense of things for myself. That's very true. So, she continued, it's probably time to start writing again.

Here goes.

Outside my window:  Right now, it is dark outside my window. I'm in bed in "my" room in Charlottesville, where my father and stepmother live. The shutters are open and the windows are wide to let in the breeze. It was an absolutely perfect Virginia spring day. Everything but the the crepe myrtles are in bloom in this town, it seems. They'll be along later when they don't have to compete with the dogwoods and Bradford pears, and crabapples, and tulip trees. Every day, the world outside grows a little more green. I don't remember ever being quite so glad to see the spring as I am this year. 

Listening to:  The whir of the ceiling fan. The faint sound of Adventures in Odyssey coming from the little girls' room.  Incidentally, I love Odyssey. I feel like those characters are family; they've been along on so many road trips with us.

Clothing myself in: Today, I wore capris and t-shirt. But I had a chance to fancy up with lace and skirt tonight. We went with Patrick to a dinner celebrating the soccer team's NCAA National Championship title. He came away with quite a ring...


Talking with my children about these books:  The girls are all aflutter at the new Penderwicks book. In order to maintain some semblance of peace, we settled Karoline into re-reading the first one, and Katie re-reading the second while they waited for Mary Beth to binge on the fourth and then pass it along. Are you a Penderwicks fan? Such great stories!

In my own reading: I've been reading a lot these days, books on audio and books in hand. I've several to share. Recently, I finished The Rosie Project. it was a delightful, funny story of a professor with Asperger's syndrome who falls in love with a most unlikely "wife candidate." It was a sweet, touching, and also fascinating look at Asperger's through a very different lens.

Thinking and thinking: Oh, wow. I really wish I could turn off my brain sometimes. There have been days lately that I'm weary of living inside my own head. Mike went to a leadership workshop last week that focused on Myers-Briggs types. He learned his own and learned a good deal about typing in general. All very fascinating. I've long known my type (INFJ), but never really done much with it. I had never tried to type my husband or my children to see how we all fit together. Last week, I learned that I am vastly outnumbered by Thinking Extraverts. A house full of noisy commanders who leave it to me to feel all the things. And I do. Oh, how I do. For all of us. Ahem. 

 I'm also reading: The Highly Sensitive Person. Because I am one, and they are not (bless their hearts). Are you highly sensitive?

Pondering: Elizabeth DeHority died on Holy Thursday. That was more than two weeks ago. I keep reaching for my phone to text her. I keep expecting to see an email in my inbox. Before the Tuesday before she died, I don't think I've gone more than a day in the last six-and-a-half years without hearing from her. The silence is striking. Ann and Ginny both wrote lovely tributes.  I didn't. I can't find the words. I did start a new knitting project, though. 

Carefully Cultivating Rhythm: I think we are maintaining as much of a regular rhythm as I can expect. I'm driving back and forth to Charlottesville every couple of weeks for one thing or another. Patrick will have surgery in early May and will need to stay here all summer for physical therapy and conditioning. I cannot begin to adequately capture how grateful I am that he chose to go to school here, in this town. I love to be here. And I have a home here. For a kid who moved around a whole lot, "home" is something not to be taken for granted. 

Creating By Hand:  Ugh. I'm sewing dance costumes and not loving it much at all. it's not real sewing--it's rigging to make costumes fit well enough to fool the audience. Oliver + S just announced a super cute new pattern. I plan to make at least four of these. I really miss sewing and I  recognize how important using that part of my brain and my hands in that manner is to me. Making time...

Learning lessons In: Grief. And fear. April is always hard in the fear department. This April has been brutal.

Encouraging learning in: Carefully reading the assignment, doing exactly what one is asked to do, and completing it cheerfully and on time. As homeschoolers, one of the biggest benefits is the ability to tailor a lesson, a course, or an entire childhood education. If the lesson as written goes on and on with endless repetition well beyond what is necessary for mastery, we just cut it short. If the method doesn’t work, we switch to something else.  Creativity is encouraged wildly. Rarely is a kid sent off on his own to muddle through vague directions. We’re right there to keep things on course. And if they were away all weekend at a soccer tournament and the bus broke down on the way home and it’s early on Monday and they’re tired, I cut them all kinds of slack. What I’m learning though, is that they need to learn how to work that other system—the institutional system—before they leave home. They need to understand how to follow directions and that sometimes we do stupid assignments because that’s what it takes to get through the class. Unless I teach them how it all works, they’re in for quite a shock.  I’m not sure how to balance the reality that they need those institutional skills with my own philosophy that everything must have meaning and the best education is a creative one, carefully tailored towards a child’s strengths. Daily, there is a striving for balance between two worlds.

Begging prayers: For rest. Please Lord, peaceful rest. 

Living the Liturgy: I love the Easter season. I love to occasionally to something special and out of the ordinary and then just nonchalantly explain it to my children by saying, "Oh, of course, it's still Easter." Mike has been traveling a brutal lot. Sarah and I got up early one morning when we knew he was taking the first flight home. They had a breakfast tea party. Because, you know, it's still Easter.

Keeping house: I've been spending a lot of time in my other home--the one in Charlottesville where my father and stepmother live. It's a beautiful house that is beautifully decorated. There is no clutter. Every time I come down, one of my children will remark that they love a house with no clutter. But then we get home, and they're all about their clutter. I will not wish away these days for an empty nest. I will keep shoveling clutter in this season of clutterstorms, though.

Crafting in the kitchen: Today begins Heather's Whole Food Kitchen Workshop. Perfect Timing. What I love (among other things) about Heather's workshop is that it's not didactic; there's no cramming one way of eating down one's throat. Heather acknowledges that each of us has to find her own way to nourish. What works for me, might not work for you. I've really seen that in my house the last couple weeks. My husband is rocking a low carb diet. He's hit that place where weight is dropping very steadily. I'm eating the same way. Up two pounds. ;-). [Note: this is not an ad for the workshop, Just passing along friendly information. I'm not being compensated for my wholehearted endorsement.]

Speaking of ads, there are no more here. I heard you. I am very, very grateful for the people who sponsored this blog and I hope that you benefited from knowing about them. But for now, we'll just have quiet. I can do quiet very nicely. Of that, I am sure. 

To be fit and happy: The trails are truly calling. Everything is coming alive outside and I'm happily trotting along again--some walking (long distances) and some running (not long distances at all). I've been reunited with my Fitbit, charged the battery, and began anew today. Gretchen Rubin's new book, Better Than Before, has reminded me how monitoring my habits really works for me. Track my steps: move a lot more. Keep a food diary: eat more mindfully. Tell you all about a sewing project with needle & thREAD: sew more and read more. Accountability is a very good thing. Springtime is a great time for a habit refresh! And that book? Highly, highly recommended. Life-changing, I do believe. 

Giving thanks: For my stepmother. Charlottesville has long been home to me. Her house is my soft place to land. I'm grateful for the comfort I find there. 

Loving the moments: Kristin and I have been brainstorming some super fun project ideas. Stay tuned for a homeschool workshop and an advent journal and maybe something special for new mamas. Not a day goes by that I'm not completely and totally awestruck by how much I love that girl. She might be midlife's best surprise.

Planning for the week ahead: The bluebells are blooming. That's all the plan I've got.