Fast. Pray. Give.


Let go of self-recrimination. "There is still time for endurance, time for patience, time for healing, time for change. Have you slipped. Rise up. Have you sinned: Cease. Do not stand among sinners, but leap aside" (St. Basil the Great).


For a few minutes tonight, after your children are sleeping, kneel beside their beds. Let your breath rise and fall with theirs. Entrust them to the Father and thank Him for lending them to you.


Do not say, "In a minute" or "When I finish this" at all today. Instead, put aside your agenda and meet their needs (and even some wants) immediately and cheerfully.

Fast. Pray. Give.


Rise a little earlier and bring your husband breakfast in bed. (If it's too late today, plan for tomorrow)


Move your wedding band to your right hand. Every time you notice the difference today, pray for your marriage. Listen to God's answers.


Plan a date night for you and your husband. Make it special and fun!


**Of all the days' prompts, this one is my favorite. I hope your day is blessed and beautiful:) Come back and let me know how it went.

Fast. Pray. Give.


{To follow tomorrow's prompt, you might want to plan to get out of bed a little earlier than usual. The prompt will be posted at 5 AM Eastern Daylight Time to give (most of) you time to do it first thing in the morning. See you bright and early.}


Clean out the refrigerator today instead of eating lunch. Pull everything out and wipe it all down. Thank God for the food He provides for your family. As you put things back, listen to God's will for you as a wife.


Give thanks for food, clothes, and shelter. Listen to God's plan for stewardship.


"The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty" (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)

Assure the people in your home that they are wanted, loved, and cared for. Don't use words. 

Fast. Pray. Give.


Today, remember that you are expecting someone very important for dinner toinght. With your children, plan your husband's homecoming as if you were welcoming a king back to his castle.


"Love consumes us only in the measure of our self-surrender" (St. Therese of Lisieux)


"You can do nothing with children unless you win their confidence and breaking through all the hindrances that keep them at a distance. We muct accomodate ourselves to their tastes..." (St. John Bosco). Do something you children want you to do with them today.